Thursday 10 March 2011

I'm not as think as you drunk I am

So last night was my first experience drinking alcohol whilst on the insulin pump, for educational purposes of course. But in all seriousness I wanted to see how the pump affected my blood sugar levels after drinking, and how I emotionally and physically dealt with my new companion when slightly intoxicated.

Alcohol consumption affects every diabetic differently, depending on how sensitive your blood glucose levels are. The general rule is that alcohol with raise your blood sugars temporarily, and quickly lower them several hours later as the liver tries to get rid of all the toxins you’ve been drinking. This is why most diabetics are advised to eat something stodgy after excessive alcohol intake.

I’m going to be honest and say that I rarely eat after I’ve been out drinking. Whilst some people suddenly acquire the urge for a greasy kebab or cheesy chips after a heavy night out, I’m the opposite. The thought of eating anything filling makes me want to hurl.

For this reason I only drink spirits and orange juice on nights out, and never any sweet WKDs or ciders which I know would send my blood sugar levels plummeting once I crawl back into bed in the wee hours.

So last night I tested my blood sugars before I left the house (they were fine), and carried on with my normal drinking routine. It was the first time I’d seen my friends since I had the pump fitted, and they were all intrigued to see my new toy. The pump loved all this attention, and wasn’t embarrassed at all to be seen in public.

By the end of my night I think I’d shown the pump to anyone that was remotely interested in listening. But I was proud of how far I’d come and wanted to show everyone that it isn’t as scary as it sounds. Being connected to something 24/7 isn’t going to be easy, but I’ve accepted that the pump in just another lump and bump on my body that I’ve got to carry around.

I was a bit naughty and forgot to test my blood sugar before I went to sleep, but remembered first thing this morning when I woke up and was pleasantly surprised by perfectly normal readings.

So there you have it, I went out drinking with my pump and we both enjoyed ourselves. Next time I will remember to test before bed, but old habits die hard my friends.

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